Eating Disorders

Nutrition Therapy With An Eating Disorder Dietitian




*My group coaching program is not appropriate for those who need inpatient, residential treatment, or mealtime supervision. It is not for those who are resistant to change.

It IS for those who have their future in mind, rather than those wanting to dwell on the past and present.

When Is It Time To Find a Good Eating Disorder Coach?

It can be embarrassing to even think about finding an eating
disorder coach. Eating disorders/disordered eating often comes with a lot of guilt. It’s likely that if you are struggling, you blame yourself for it. You tell yourself that you should be able to do this all on your own.

And you’re absolutely wrong.

Eating disorders are not easy to treat without support. Eating disorders are not a personal failure. They are an epidemic.

You absolutely have the right to seek help if you feel you can’t beat an eating disorder on your own.

Eating Disorder Nutrition Therapy with an Eating Disorder Dietitian

Suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), or an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) are life-threatening illnesses and require serious attention. Having an eating disorder dietitian on your side is essential to ensure your body is being fueled properly to facilitate complete healing within mind, body, and spirit.

Binge Eating Coach

Binge eating disorder (BED) is one of the more common forms of eating disorders. Binge eating is also a common behavior among people who do not meet the criteria of diagnosis but are still suffering. Binge eating is NOT due to a lack of willpower or discipline. Binge eating is when a person loses control with food and overeats, often to the point of significant physical discomfort. The episodes of eating are followed by tremendous guilt and shame. If you struggle with binge eating, a binge eating coach can be a literal lifesaver.

How Does Binge Eating Coaching Work?

Unlike other eating disorders, binge eating & binge eating disorders can often be missed. We typically think of bulimia when talking about binge eating, but binge eating can occur without any of the compensatory behaviors seen in bulimia nervosa.

An eating disorder dietitian can help you distinguish the difference between good, evidence-based health advice, fad diets, and flat-out unhealthy decisions. An eating disorder specialist can also help you explore the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating. Just like a gym coach can get you the most out of your workout routine, a binge eating coach can get you the most out of managing your dietary health.

Binge Eating Coach

Binge eating disorder (BED) is one of the more common forms of eating disorders. Binge eating is also a common behavior among people who do not meet the criteria of diagnosis but are still suffering. Binge eating is NOT due to a lack of willpower or discipline. Binge eating is when a person loses control with food and overeats, often to the point of significant physical discomfort. The episodes of eating are followed by tremendous guilt and shame. If you struggle with binge eating, a binge eating coach can be a literal lifesaver.

How Does Binge Eating Coaching Work?

Unlike other eating disorders, binge eating & binge eating disorders can often be missed. We typically think of bulimia when talking about binge eating, but binge eating can occur without any of the compensatory behaviors seen in bulimia nervosa.

An eating disorder dietitian can help you distinguish the difference between good, evidence-based health advice, fad diets, and flat-out unhealthy decisions. An eating disorder specialist can also help you explore the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating. Just like a gym coach can get you the most out of your workout routine, a binge eating coach can get you the most out of managing your dietary health.

Statistics on Eating Disorders

If you have an eating disorder or struggle with disordered eating, you shouldn’t let anything stop you from getting help. An eating disorder coach and/or eating disorder dietitian can aid your recovery immensely. You are not alone in this fight, regardless of your gender, age, weight, or lifestyle.

  • Binge eating disorder is more common than anorexia and bulimia combined.

  • It is estimated that 5.2% of adolescent girls meet the criteria for DSM5 anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder. 

  • 79% of weight-loss program participants reported coping with weight stigma by eating more food.

  • A 2007 study asked 9,282 English-speaking Americans about a variety of mental health conditions, including eating disorders.The results, published in Biological Psychiatry, found that 3.5% of women and 2.0% of men had binge eating disorder during their life. This makes binge eating disorders more common than breast cancer. 

Disordered Eating Coach

I focus on more than just the science and practical side of living with disordered eating. I am a wellness coach, first and foremost. I won’t leave you to go through this alone. As an eating disorder dietitian, I am there to help you through your recovery, every step of the way. Whether you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to celebrate the next step on the road to recovery, I’m happy to help you walk away from disordered eating for good.

Disordered Eating Coach

I focus on more than just the science and practical side of living with disordered eating. I am a wellness coach, first and foremost. I won’t leave you to go through this alone. As an eating disorder dietitian, I am there to help you through your recovery, every step of the way. Whether you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to celebrate the next step on the road to recovery, I’m happy to help you walk away from disordered eating for good.

Don’t go through this all alone

Get started on your recovery today by working with an eating disorder coach!

Unsure if You Have an Eating Disorder?

Stop wondering, “Do I have an eating disorder?” and get insight so you can get help.

Click below for a free screening tool presented by the National Eating Disorders Association.