5 Things Making Your Binge Eating Worse

5 Things Making Your Binge Eating Worse

I’ve helped hundreds of women overcome binge eating disorder, and almost all of them have one key thing in common: they feel like they’ve already tried everything to stop bingeing…and it’s only made things worse. As a binge-eating coach and dietitian, this doesn’t...
How to Eat Like a Normal Person

How to Eat Like a Normal Person

Something that comes up a lot in my conversations with individuals struggling with food is that they wish that they could just eat like a normal person.  They’ll tell me things like: “I wish I could just approach food like a normal person and not let it run my...
Is Gluten Bad for You? A Dietitian Explains

Is Gluten Bad for You? A Dietitian Explains

This post was adapted from episode 68: “Is Gluten Bad for You? Dietitian Explains” of the Nourished & Free podcast. Listen to the full episode for more information about food sensitivity tests If you’ve spent any time looking at health and wellness content in the...
Understanding Binge Eating Disorder

Understanding Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating is a massively growing public health concern worldwide but is also commonly misunderstood. It’s not just about overeating: binge eating is a complicated, emotional issue. Many feel too ashamed to speak up about and as a result, are suffering in...